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Seferot ~ Kabbalah Tree of Life

My Offerings Through the Eyes of the Kabbalah Tree of Life & the Chakras


Keter ~ The Crown

Keter means crown and is associated with the closest idea that we can relate to as HaShem/G-d/Source/Spirit. This is our connection with the purest part of ourselves.Our true reflection with Source, Spiritual royalty.  In this space we connect with HaShem, the angels, our Higher Consciousness, and the Divine Will.

Third Eye

Chokmah ~ Wisdom

Chokmah means wisdom and is the beginning point of all creation.  The blueprint of design and the Divine name of HaShem.  This is where potential is identified.  The Divine Masculine presence, the output.

Third Eye

Binah ~ Understanding/ Innerstanding

Binah means understanding/innerstanding and is associated with the Divine Mother/ Divine Feminine presence in the creation process where insights and discernment are activated in the Divine Womb. The identification of space and time.

Third Eye

Da'at = Chokmah + Binah

Da'at sacred space is activated when the potential of Divine Masculine Holy Presence Elokim unites with the Divine Feminine Holy Presence of the Shekinah within her Divine Womb.

Throat Chakra

Chesed ~ Righteousness 

Chesed means loving-kindness and is the highest and the first possible attribute that we are able to experience. An endless flow of unconditional love.  This is where the idea of Olam Chesed Yibineh comes from "We will build this world from love."

Throat Chakra

Gevurah ~ Strength

Gevurah means strength and holds the balance for Chesed.  Gevurah is the container for the endless love to pour into.  Faith(Emunah) and Truth(Emet) is developed in this space.

Heart Chakra

Tiferet ~ Beauty

Tiferet means beauty and is the like the Libra in the Seferot.  It is the heart and the balance and receiving with openheartedness. It creates the union between the energies of Chesed and Gevurah.

Solar Plexus

Netzach ~ Victory

Netzach means victory and is where we tune into to our soul missions.  This is where our will power and self-mastery is developed.  We harness our energy in this space to thrive and carryout great actions on this earth.

Solar Plexus

Hod ~ Splendor

Hod means splendor and works to hold the balance of Netzach.  This is where we surrender to Divine Will and align our heart and soul with gratitude and humility.  Wisdom is developed in this space from our souls' journey through each lifetime.  Hod is also the greater realization of victory and devotion to the Divine Creator, HaShem and the Divine Plan.

Sacral Chakra

Yesod ~ Foundation 

Yesod means foundation and is the alchemy of all of the previous energies within the Seferot to be channeled into Malchut.  This is where our spark of creativity and passions dwell.  Connections are made in this space and fearless intimacy is cultivated, as well as, radical integrity.

Root Chakra

Malchut ~ Kingdom

Malchut means kingdom or kingship and is like the Taurus of the Seferot.  This is where the Divine Shekinah energy births her manifestations into our world.  We step into our power to ground in the energies we have created.  We step into our royal selves as we take responsibility for what we have created and dedicate our service for the completion of Olam Chesed Yibaneh to "build this world from love," drawing in and consecrating the Age of the Mashiach.

Image by Levi Meir Clancy

Kabbalah Classes w/ Katriel 

Kabbalah literally means receiving 


Learning about Kabbalah allows us to connect with the Divine spark within our soul and discover our tikkun (the why/ our purpose) here on this planet.


When learn the ways that that HaShem (The Name) or the Universe/Source/Spirit/G-d) is communicating with us we can build on that conversation and truly thrive & live life to our fullest potential.


Are you interested in learning more about your purpose here on this planet?

Check out the Classes below offered in the Tampa Bay Area



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